Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Benefits of Rooibos Tea Consumption

Rooibos tea or red tea is a herbal tea extracted from the leaves of the plant Aspalathus Linearis that thrives in the mountains of Cedarberg, Cape Town, South Africa. Rooibos tea is a drink rich in vitamins A, C, D, E and is the only "tea" that contains vitamin P.

Previously, this plant is regarded as a pest plant because of its similar shape of weeds, but after growing up, the beautiful yellow flowers.

Once known rooibos rich in anti-oxidants, but low in caffeine and tannin content when compared to black tea leaves or green tea, then many industry players vying to cultivate and extract the leaves of this plant to be used as herbal drinks.

Here are some important benefits to our health if we consume rooibos tea.

1. Improve bone and tooth healthReally by consuming rooibos tea can improve bone and teeth health? In fact the content of this tea is rich in manganese, calcium, and fluorid. This essential mineral is a determinant of the health of bone and tooth structure.If this nutritional intake is always available in the body, it can improve bone health and prevent the risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and other bone diseases.

2. Stimulates the immune systemIn addition to strengthening bones and teeth, rooibos tea is also able to stimulate the immune system, because in this red tea contained polyphenols. Polyphenols are an important phenolic substance found in rooibos, because they have anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and anti-viral properties, all of which have anti-oxidant properties.
All three of these substances work against free radicals that come along with food, such as side effects from food packaging products, commonly attack the metabolic system and can cause cancer.

3. Preventing Risk of DiabetesFrom the study, red tea contains aspalathin, known as a super unique anti-oxidant substance that is rarely encountered. Through this substance, rooibos is able to balance blood sugar levels, increase insulin resistance, increase the process of glucose absorption by muscle tissue, and increase the quantity of insulin produced by the pancreas.With these capabilities, this tea is effective to prevent and keep the body from diabetes.

4. Treating Kidney StonesThe red tea is acid-free, and this is the advantage of other teas, so people with kidney stone disease are safe to consume this tea. Generally, patients with kidney stones, are forbidden to consume tea because it can aggravate the disease. Other teas contain oxalic, which can turn into crystals in the kidneys.

5. Reduce muscle spasmsRooibos tea is rich in anti-spasmodic substances that play a role in relieving stomach cramps or other muscle abnormalities. This is because calcium ions, as well as potassium ions function as opposed to the antagonist of calcium activation.With the activation of calcium ions, it can decrease the excessive presence of gastrointestinal disorders (stomach problems). This means that tea is able to prevent diarrhea and other intestinal related diseases.

6. Reduce InflammationSuper anti-oxidants in tea rooibos are polyphenols, including aspalathin and nothofagin. They serve to fight free radicals and cancer-causing cells that attack healthy cells. Then, polyphenols also contain anti-inflammantory which plays a role in reducing the risk of inflammation.

7. Treating allergiesTreating allergies is one of the benefits of consuming this red tea. South African communities have proven that this tea is an effective herbal remedy for curing various allergies such as hay-fever, eczema, asthma and allergies related to bronchitis. This ability comes from anti-inflammantory and phenolic substances.

8. Improve Cardiovascular HealthRooibos tea contains many nutrients and quercetin that we know as a powerful anti-oxidant to prevent various chronic diseases, such as heart health. Quercetin is also an anti-inflammatory substance that can reduce blood pressure and fight free radicals.Furthermore, this substance treats the body from elevated HDL cholesterol, regulates good cholesterol & LDL, all of which affect the health of artery walls and veins where blood flows.By controlling cholesterol levels, blood vessel channels are clean, which will reduce the risk of various diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke to heart attack.

9. Treating the Respiratory SystemThe next benefit of consuming this red tea is to treat and maintain respiratory health. This tea is bronchodilator that has the ability to widen the bronchi ducts and bronchioles, where the air / oxygen in the lungs, and this really makes it easier for us to breathe.With this ability, rooibos tea reduces respiratory system diseases, such as respiratory allergies, asthma, to bronitis.

10. Improve the Digestive SystemGenerally all good herbal tea for all digestive system disorders, not to mention this red tea. This herbal drink is rich in anti-spasmodic that can activate potassium ions in the body.This antispasmodic substance also helps the stomach from muscle spasms, and lowers the pain during diarrhea, and this certainly makes it a natural remedy to treat any digestive system.

The Red Tea Detox

11. Improving Children's HealthNot only adults who feel the benefits of rooibos tea, children can consume them as well. At the age of 3-6 years, children are usually always curious and want to try everything, such as food, and not the least of the wrong foods, their stomach was affected.This tea is able to treat stomach problems in children, such as nausea, vomiting, until diarrhea.

12. Treating InsomniaFrom the research is known, it turns out this tea is able to treat sleep disorders. As we know, this tea does not contain caffeine, but contains a variety of vitamins A, C, D, E and P are good for the body's mood system.Drinking red tea before bedtime helps to help a person sleep soundly, without making the person drinking it addicted, because it is caffeine free.

13. Reduce HypertensionHypertension is a symptom in which a person's blood pressure is high or too much blood is pushing the artery walls. The main cause is the presence of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall. Red tea is able to dilute cholesterol that is blocked, so it is very effective to reduce and treat hypertension.

14. Healthy Hair and SkinRooibos tea is very popular with women, because of its efficacious ability to improve the health of hair and skin. The content of red tea is rich in several important minerals such as calcium, zinc, copper and potassium which is an essential substance for hair growth.If you want healthy hair and strong drink this tea regularly. Then, this herbal tea is also able to prevent hair from loss, because some of the tea nutrients are able to remove dead skin hair and protect hair glands.In addition to hair, this tea also nourish the skin of the body. This herbal tea is rich in alpha hydroxy acid and zinc is very powerful healthy skin. In other words, consuming this tea regularly can reduce the risk of skin problems, such as spots and stains on the skin, fine lines, until acne.

15. Prevent Premature Aging
Finally, one of the most sought after properties of rooibos tea is its ability to prevent premature aging. Anti-oxidants in red tea can reduce the aging process in the body, while maintaining the health of the immune system.
Anti-oxidants in tea against free radicals, causes damage to hair, skin, bones and other parts of the human body. Rooibos is a magical herbal drink containing a million benefits for those who drink it regularly.

Thus the fifteen benefits of rooibos herbal tea, may be beneficial.

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